Sarah DiNardo
Arlington, VA

Sarah is responsible for leading the MARCA Executive Board, ensuring all Executive Board members are fulfilling their duties, conducting check-ins with each Executive Board member, ensuring Executive Board meetings and General Membership meetings are managed effectively, and serving as a resource for all MARCA members.

VP of Membership
Julie Coulter
Columbia, MD

Julie serves as the point of contact for individuals interested in joining MARCA, maintaining the membership database, managing the Facebook group, collecting membership forms, and reminding members about paying dues.

VP of Finance
Will Stratton
Richmond, VA

Will is responsible for maintaining all financial records, managing the budget, allocating funds for MARCA events, preparing the annual budget for presentation to MARCA membership, and collecting dues from members.

VP of Internal Relations
Julia Ross
Ambler, PA

Julia is responsible for coordinating all Executive Board meetings and General Membership meetings, acting as the liaison between the MARCA Executive Board and MARCA membership for all MARCA related business, managing the MARCA election process, taking minutes at all Executive Board meetings and General Membership meetings, providing meeting notes to membership at the conclusion of meetings, and maintaining the MARCA website.

VP of External Relations
Emma Pace
Alexandria, VA

Emma is responsible for overseeing each of the regional Directors, coordinating communication between the Directors, and leading event planning meetings with the Directors to effectively coordinate spring counselor events. Erin can be contacted for any general questions, event related questions, or NARAC questions.

Director of DE & MD
Sarah Kelly
Baltimore, MD

The Director of DE and MD is the point of contact for school counselors in Delaware and Maryland, plans and executes events within the territory, maintains an up-to-date contact list of counselors in the territory, assigns committee members to assist with events, and works with the other Directors.

Director of DC & VA
Mark Summerside
Washington, D.C.

Mark is the point of contact for school counselors in Washington, DC and Virginia, plans and executes events within the territory, maintains an up-to-date contact list of counselors in the territory, assigns committee members to assist with events, and works with the other Directors.

Director of Eastern PA & NJ
Ashley Swengler
East Stroudsburg, PA

Ashley is the point of contact for school counselors in Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, plans and executes events within the territory, maintains an up-to-date contact list of counselors in the territory, assigns committee members to assist with events, and works with the other Directors.

Director of Western PA & WV
Tess Twigg
Rochester, PA

Tess is the point of contact for school counselors in Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, plans and executes events within the territory, maintains an up-to-date contact list of counselors in the territory, assigns committee members to assist with events, and works with the other Directors.